"Mother Goose had a house it was built in a wood,
where an owl by the door for a sentinal stood."
As a young child I enjoyed having my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members read to me. My great-grandmother often sang to me and was especially fond of sharing nursery rhymes and poems. These rich and loving literacy experiences are some of my strongest and most powerful childhood memories. These experiences also provided a firm foundation for my literacy growth as a young adult and as an adult.
As a librarian, supporting literacy for the children, families, and adults that I serve is one of my highest goals. This blog is focused on literacy, particularly for children and families. I want to create a list of links to useful literacy sites, to post reviews of these sites as well as reviews of children's and YA books that I read and movies that I watch, and to explore topics that are related to reading, literature, research, education, and librarianship.
where an owl by the door for a sentinal stood."
As a young child I enjoyed having my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other family members read to me. My great-grandmother often sang to me and was especially fond of sharing nursery rhymes and poems. These rich and loving literacy experiences are some of my strongest and most powerful childhood memories. These experiences also provided a firm foundation for my literacy growth as a young adult and as an adult.
As a librarian, supporting literacy for the children, families, and adults that I serve is one of my highest goals. This blog is focused on literacy, particularly for children and families. I want to create a list of links to useful literacy sites, to post reviews of these sites as well as reviews of children's and YA books that I read and movies that I watch, and to explore topics that are related to reading, literature, research, education, and librarianship.
Great topic for a blog, Kathy! Ask me when we get back to our building how to add an RSS newsfeed to your blog to help lazy people with aggregators like me keep track of your posts easier! :-)