Saturday, August 11, 2007


I got a chance to try Jango, a new personalized music/online radio social networking site today. It is really very interesting with a wide variety of music. Jango represents another dimension for social networking. I am not downloading any music so I don't think any copyright laws are being broken that I can tell, but I am enjoying listening to a wide selection of music that I really enjoy including old favorites and new interests.

Thanks to Jango staffer, Stella, for providing this link!


  1. FYI: It's "copyright", not "copywrite."

    The "rights" of the creators are being protected.


  2. Mea culpa! Thanks, grumpy grammarian!

  3. Hey there Ms. Kathy,

    I work with Jango and just found your post. Thanks for writing about us! Please let us know if you think there's any music missing that you love. Also, the site still in private beta till the fall, but here's an access link for your readers to get in:

    Thanks and take care,
    Stella @ Jango



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