Thursday, December 27, 2007

Severus Snape: The Hanged Man

The motif of the Hanged Man is a constant thread in the Harry Potter series. Numerous games of hangman are played throughout the series and the Gaunts and the Riddles live outside of the town of Little Hangleton, which is home to the Hanged Man pub.
The Hanged Man tarot card literally symbolizes the state of attentive waiting. The hanged man represents suspended action and is poised, ready for the correct moment to make his move. He hangs upside down by one foot and when inverted appears to be dancing a jig.
The symbol of the hanged man describes the role of Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series perfectly. Snape waits through out the whole series to atone for his crime of unintentional complicity in the death of Lily Evans Potter, his only love. He maintains an unflinching mask of composure and remains ever ready to strike at Voldemort when the time is ripe. He has only one significant moment of weakness; at the close of Book 6 after Dumbledore's death in the scene when Snape prevents Harry from following him. Severus Snape endures having his actions misinterpreted throughout the series in order to keep his mission on track. He is the true anti-hero of the Harry Potter series, not Sirius Black.

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