Saturday, October 25, 2008

DIY Book Bag

Cool idea from Boing Boing:  a book purse made from Reader's Digest Condensed Books.  Nice to find a use for them other than decorating chain restaurants and bars.

Reader's Digest Condensed Books are fairly useless to most readers mainly because the idea of "condensing" literature is somewhat unsavory and anathemic to real readers (think Cliff notes).  If you look at reading as a pleasure to be savored, why would you want to snip away at tasty bits and pieces of a good book just so you could plow through it more quickly to the "main idea".  Condensing periodical articles is cool.  I totally dig Utne Reader and Reader's Digest, but forget condensing novels.  If it is worth reading, it is worth reading in its entirety, IMHO.

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