Saturday, December 20, 2008

Keep on Tech Trekkin': Yammer On

In the year since I participated in Tech Trek, Web 2.0 technologies have exploded.  Barack Obama's amazing electorial success was due in part to the use of a MySpace-clone website, which helped build an extremely dynamic ground campaign.  This landmark use of technology in American politics underscores the way that web applications have become customizable conduits between individuals and/or organizations that allow for rapid communication and response. 

The latest app that I'm playing with is Yammer.  Yammer is basically a microblogging service (like Twitter) with a business app.  I heard about Yammer on NPR's tech segment, signed up, and coaxed a couple of co-workers into signing up, who coaxed some other coworkers into signing up.  It is fun and easy to use (IMHO) and useful, according to the NPR segment, because it cuts down on email by letting people in the business or organization that uses it know what other folks within the org are doing in real time (like Twitter does with friends). 

You sign onto Yammer with your work email and it connects everyone whose work emails have the same ending.  Unlike Facebook and other public social-networking web apps, only your co-workers can see your Yammer posts.  This cuts down on exposure to distracting, non-work related posts and keeps everyone focused on company business while staying connected.  Very cool.

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